Producer Kurse More DJ COURSES More PRODUCER WEEKBoost your skills! More One on One coachings MORE For EMS students only FOLLOW YOUR PASSION The place for electronic music in Germany, since 2010 DJ COURSE or DJ WEEK ✦ LEARN FROM THE PROS ✦✦ BECOME A PRO DJ YOURSELF ✦✦ DO WHAT YOU LOVE ✦✦ INSPIRE OTHERS WITH YOUR SOUND ✦✦ TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD ✦ Electronic Music Producer Course Offline Electronic Music Producer CourseONLINE LIve ActElevate Your Performance with a Personal Touch. Your hardware is as unique as you are. More MASTERINGWe master our tracks both analog and digital in one of our studios MASTERINGEMS students enjoy the benefits of analogue high-end mastering MASTERINGFor a significantly better sound! Our studio in BerlinGet inspired Safe 15% off future bookings if you’ve already completed a course, workshop, or one-on-one coaching with us! Join Newsletter Have a question about individual coaching, courses or workshops (special events)?? Call us or Mail us your inquiry to arrange your personal consultation or trial appointment. MailCall