
dj week

Learn everything you need to know about djing in 5 days.

Today, it’s no longer just about mixing two records together. Rather, it’s about controlling the technology. That’s why it’s important to understand which buttons and sliders make sense and which are better ignored. With us you learn on club standard equipment.

Whether digital or analog, here you will learn everything about technology and equipment with which DJs work. We will teach you technical basics about players like CDJs, controllers and vinyls, or special features of mixers and effects as well as basic physical terms like sound characteristics, frequency, amplitude, phase or interference. It will also be about crowdreading and mixtapes/podcasts. 

You will learn how club-oriented electronic music is constructed, how it works, what you can do with keys and how to deal with beat or quantization patterns.

On the 5th day we will practice mixing under real conditions in the club. Subject to change if Corona makes it impossible.

In 5 consecutive days (out of a total of 30 hours) you will also have enough time to play, play and play…. Through practice you will become safe. In EMS during DJ Week you will have enough time to practice in the studio.


  • Player
  • Set preparation and structure of all devices
  • Mixer & Mixing Techniques
  • Effects, Effect chains, Filter vs EQs
  • Volume / Level
  • Standard equipment in Clubs
  • Beat matching
  • Overview of various styles
  • Learning different techniques for different genres
  • Tension and crowd reading
  • Non linear mixing / Live editing
  • Harmonic Mixing
  • Tempo- and Genre change
  • Compression, distortion and interference
  • Analog / Digital Signal Transmission
  • Extern vs. intern mixing
  • Synchronize (e.g. with Maschine, or Ableton Push)
  • Trouble shooting
  • Creating DJ Mixes, Mashups / Remixes / Edits

Available Dates


07.04.25 - 11.04.25 10am - 3pmEnglischNur noch 2 Plätze verfügbar Ursprünglicher Preis war: 799,00 €Aktueller Preis ist: 743,07 €.


07.04.25 - 11.04.25 10am - 3pmDeutsch3 Plätze Ursprünglicher Preis war: 799,00 €Aktueller Preis ist: 743,07 €.

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